Monthly Archives: May 2014

White Chocolate Panna Cotta with Rhubarb Compote


I have often seen this being made on Masterchef and admit was a little nervous of how it would turn out, but now I wish I had been making it for years. It is much easier than I thought and the creamy white chocolate texture and flavour is sublime.
We had a barbeque party on Sunday for Adrian’s Birthday and all the children were desperate for second helpings!
Our Rhubarb in the garden is ready and the sharpeness of the rhubarb compote complements the sweetness of the panna cotta.

You will need 5 ramakins or small, individual (175ml) pudding basins..

For the Panna Cotta
75 g White Couverture Powder
2 leaves of gelatine
250ml milk
250ml double cream

• Put the leaves of gelatine in a shallow bowl of water for 10 minutes to soften.
• Pour the cream and milk together into a saucepan and heat until it starts to simmer.
• Add the white couverture powder and stir until dissolved.
• Remove the leaves of gelatine from the water, add to the pan and stir until dissolved.
• Take the pan off the heat and allow to cool, to room temperature.
• Gently stir the mixture with a whisk before pouring into the ramekins.
• Place in the fridge for at least 2 hours, until set.
• Turn the individual panna cotta’s out and serve with the rhubarb compote.


For the Rhubarb Compote
250g  rhubarb
100g of caster sugar

• Chop the rhubarb into slices about 3cm long.
• Place the chopped rhubarb and sugar into a saucepan over a medium heat.
• When the rhubarb juice starts to flow, stir with a wooden spoon turn the heat down to low and cook until the rhubarb is soft.
• Allow to cool.
• Puree with a food processor or hand held blender, and serve with the panna cotta.